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Unveiling the Meaning Behind Creep by Stone Temple Pilots: Decoding the Lyrics for Deeper Understanding

Creep Stone Temple Pilots Lyrics

Discover the haunting lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots. Dive deep into the emotional depths of this iconic grunge rock classic.

Have you ever found yourself singing along to the lyrics of a song only to realize that you have no idea what they actually mean? Well, my dear reader, let's take a closer look at the lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots. This iconic song from the 90s has been the soundtrack to many angsty teenage years and drunken karaoke nights, but its lyrics are often misunderstood. So, let's dive in, shall we?

First off, let's set the scene. The song begins with a hauntingly beautiful guitar riff that sets the tone for the rest of the song. Then, lead singer Scott Weiland's voice kicks in, singing Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay. Wait, what? Forward yesterday? Is that even a thing? Well, my friends, it turns out that it is. It's a fancy way of saying that he wishes he could go back to the past.

As the song progresses, we hear Weiland sing about feeling like a creep and not belonging. He says, I'm half the man I used to be, which is a pretty depressing admission. But then he follows it up with Like the cat in the bag, waiting to drown. Umm, what cat in what bag? Is this some kind of twisted animal cruelty reference? Nope, it's just a metaphor for feeling trapped and helpless.

Now, here's where things get a little weird. Weiland sings, This is not my time, I'm not meant to be. Okay, fair enough. Maybe he's having an existential crisis or something. But then he goes on to say, I'm a creep, yeah, I'm a weirdo. Hold up, Scott. Let's not be so hard on ourselves. We've all felt like we don't fit in at some point in our lives, but that doesn't make us creeps or weirdos.

As the chorus repeats, we hear Weiland sing, What the hell am I doing here? You and me both, buddy. But then he follows it up with, I don't belong here. Oh, okay. Well, that's a little harsh. Maybe you just haven't found your tribe yet.

One of the most memorable lines in the song is, Take time with a wounded hand, 'cause it likes to heal. Wait, what? How does a hand get wounded and why does it like to heal? Is this some kind of creepy horror movie reference? Nope, it's just another metaphor for taking things slow and letting wounds (both physical and emotional) heal in their own time.

The song ends with Weiland repeating the line, What the hell am I doing here? several times, as if he still hasn't figured it out. But maybe that's the point. Maybe we're all just trying to figure out where we belong in this crazy world.

In conclusion, the lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots may seem confusing at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they reveal a deep sense of longing and vulnerability. We've all felt like outsiders at some point in our lives, but it's important to remember that we're not creeps or weirdos just because we don't fit in. So, next time you're belting out the lyrics to Creep at karaoke night, take a moment to appreciate the deeper meaning behind the words.


If you're a fan of 90s rock, chances are you've heard of Stone Temple Pilots. This American band was known for their grunge sound and catchy lyrics, including their hit single Creep. While the song's title might suggest a darker tone, the lyrics themselves are actually quite humorous. Let's take a closer look.

The Opening Lines

The song starts off with lead singer Scott Weiland declaring, Forward yesterday, makes me wanna stay. Um, what? I'm not sure what that even means, but okay. He goes on to say that he's standing on the edge of crazy, which is a little more relatable. We've all had those moments where we feel like we're about to lose it.

The Chorus

Then comes the chorus, where Weiland proclaims, But I'm not gonna crack. I miss you, I'm not gonna crack. I love you, I'm not gonna crack. I killed you, I'm not gonna crack. Wait, what? Did he just say he killed someone? This is getting dark. But then again, he also said he loves them, so I'm not really sure what's going on here.

The Second Verse

Moving on to the second verse, Weiland sings about how painful memories, sear my flesh. Ouch. That sounds pretty intense. But then he follows it up with, Tried to test my willpower, tried to test my threshold of pain. Okay, now he's just being dramatic. I mean, we've all had painful memories, but I don't think anyone's ever tried to test their threshold of pain because of them.

The Second Chorus

We then get another round of the chorus, where Weiland once again declares that he's not going to crack, even though he apparently killed someone. This is starting to feel like a bad episode of Law & Order.

The Bridge

The bridge of the song features some pretty heavy guitar riffs, but the lyrics are just as confusing as ever. Weiland sings about how I am smelling like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed. What does that even mean? Is he saying he smells good because someone gave him a rose on his deathbed? I'm not following.

The Final Chorus

Finally, we come to the last chorus, where Weiland repeats his claims that he's not going to crack, miss you, love you, and killed you. It's still unclear who he killed or why, but I guess that's part of the song's charm.


So there you have it, a closer look at the lyrics of Stone Temple Pilots' Creep. While the song might not make a lot of sense, it's still a classic of 90s rock. And hey, sometimes it's nice to just sing along to something without worrying too much about what it actually means.

Stone Temple Pilots: Not Your Average Garden Rocks

When it comes to creepy lyrics, no one does it quite like Stone Temple Pilots. Their music is like the soundtrack to a horror movie that hasn't been made yet. If you're looking for a way to express your feelings in a way that's both unsettling and catchy, look no further than Scott Weiland and his bandmates.

Scott Weiland: Rock's Favorite Creeper

Scott Weiland was the king of creepy lyrics. He could make stalking sound like a love song and obsession sound like devotion. Even though he's no longer with us, his lyrics live on as the ultimate example of how to be creepy and still somehow manage to rock out.

Why Say It Normally When You Can Creep It up?

Stone Temple Pilots lyrics are not for the faint of heart. They're for when you want to express your feelings in a way that's both unsettling and unforgettable. Why say I love you when you can sing I'm half the man I used to be?

It's Not Stalking, It's Love: The STP Way

If you're looking for a way to justify your borderline-obsessive behavior towards your crush, just put on some Stone Temple Pilots and sing along to their stalker anthems. Who needs restraining orders when you have catchy choruses?

Who Needs Boundaries Anyway?

Personal space? What's that? Stone Temple Pilots are here to remind you that boundaries are overrated and creepy lyrics are where it's at. Forget about consent and just let the music take over.

The Dark Side Of Love

Roses and chocolates are for amateurs. Stone Temple Pilots are all about making love dark, brooding, and borderline alarming. If your Valentine's Day playlist doesn't include Sex Type Thing, you're doing it wrong.

Let's Get Uncomfortable

If you're tired of all the sunshine and rainbows in your music, Stone Temple Pilots are here to make you feel things. Probably things you shouldn't be feeling. Their lyrics will leave you questioning your sanity and possibly your taste in music.

The Soundtrack To Your Nightmare

If you're having trouble sleeping, just put on some Stone Temple Pilots and let their unnerving lyrics lull you into a fitful slumber. You'll wake up feeling like you've just survived a nightmare, but at least you'll have some killer tunes stuck in your head.

The Ultimate Mixed Signals

Want to confuse and alarm your crush in one fell swoop? Just quote some Stone Temple Pilots lyrics and watch them slowly back away. Lines like I'm the only one who's seen your face among the crowd are sure to send mixed messages.

Embrace Your Creepiness

At the end of the day, we're all a little creepy. Stone Temple Pilots just know how to embrace it better than most. So put on your black eyeliner, crank up the volume, and let the creepiness flow.

The Tale of Creep Stone Temple Pilots Lyrics

Once upon a time, there was a band called Stone Temple Pilots who wrote a song called Creep. It was a hit in the 90s and remains a favorite among fans to this day.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of Creep are quite simple yet powerful. The song talks about feeling like an outcast and not fitting in with society. It's a relatable theme that many people can identify with.

  1. Well, I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
  2. What the hell am I doing here?
  3. I don't belong here

These lines are sung with such emotion by lead singer Scott Weiland that you can't help but feel his pain. It's a song that makes you want to scream along and let out all your frustrations.

The Humorous Point of View

Despite the heavy subject matter of the song, there is a humorous side to it as well. The lines I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo have been used in countless memes and jokes over the years.

  • When you're trying to fit in at a party but you're just not cool enough: Well, I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
  • When someone asks you why you're still single: What the hell am I doing here?
  • When you're stuck in a boring meeting: I don't belong here

See? It's funny! Of course, we don't mean to make light of anyone's struggles with feeling like an outcast, but sometimes you just have to find humor in the darkness.

The Legacy of Creep

Despite being released over 25 years ago, Creep still resonates with people today. It's a testament to the power of music and the ability to connect with others through art.

If you're ever feeling like you don't belong, just remember the words of Stone Temple Pilots: You're not alone, we all feel like creeps sometimes.

Now go forth and rock out to Creep at the top of your lungs!

Song Title Creep
Band Name Stone Temple Pilots
Lyrics Feeling like an outcast, not fitting in with society
Emotion Pain, frustration, relatable
Humor I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo meme potential
Legacy Resonates with people today, ability to connect through art

Closing Message: Creep Stone Temple Pilots Lyrics

Well, well, well, my dear blog visitors! We have reached the end of our journey through the enigmatic lyrics of Creep by Stone Temple Pilots. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! As we say goodbye, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

First and foremost, we discovered that the song is not about a creepy guy lurking in the shadows, but rather about the inner demons that we all struggle with. Who knew that such a catchy tune could have such depth?

We also delved into the meaning behind some of the most perplexing lines in the song, such as Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal. It turns out that Scott Weiland was a master of metaphor, and his lyrics are full of hidden gems waiting to be uncovered.

But let's not forget the humor that we injected into our analysis. From diagnosing Scott Weiland with a severe case of lyricitis to imagining a world where everyone sings like Eddie Vedder, we certainly had our fair share of laughs.

And now, as we prepare to part ways, I would like to leave you with a final thought. Life can be tough. We all have our struggles, our insecurities, and our moments of self-doubt. But the beauty of music, and of art in general, is that it gives us a way to connect with others who might be going through the same thing.

So, next time you're feeling down, put on Creep and let the music remind you that you're not alone. And if you find yourself singing along to those cryptic lyrics, just remember that you're in good company. We're all a little bit of a creep sometimes.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope to see you back here soon for more musical musings!

People Also Ask About Creep Stone Temple Pilots Lyrics

What are the lyrics to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

The lyrics to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots go:

Forward yesterday
Makes me wanna stay
What they said was real
Makes me wanna steal
Living under house
Guess I'm living, I'm a mouse
All's I gots is time
Got no meaning, just a rhyme
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause it likes to heal
Take time with a wounded hand
'Cause I like to steal

What is the song Creep by Stone Temple Pilots about?

The song Creep by Stone Temple Pilots is about feeling like an outsider or a misfit. The lyrics express a sense of isolation, insignificance, and a longing for connection. It's a relatable feeling that many people have experienced at some point in their lives.

Who wrote the lyrics to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

The lyrics to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots were written by the band's lead vocalist, Scott Weiland. Weiland was known for his powerful and emotional lyrics that often dealt with personal struggles and feelings of alienation.

What is the meaning of the line Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal in Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

The line Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal in Creep by Stone Temple Pilots means that even though we may be hurt or broken, we have the ability to heal and recover. It's a message of hope that encourages us to take the time we need to heal and grow stronger.

Is Creep by Stone Temple Pilots a sad song?

Yes, Creep by Stone Temple Pilots can be considered a sad song because of its lyrics, which express feelings of loneliness, despair, and isolation. However, it's also a powerful and uplifting song that encourages listeners to find strength and hope in their struggles.

Can I sing along to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots?

Of course you can! Singing along to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots is a great way to connect with the music and express your emotions. Whether you're feeling sad, angry, or just need to let off some steam, singing along to this iconic song can be a cathartic experience.

In conclusion,

  • The lyrics to Creep by Stone Temple Pilots express feelings of isolation and longing for connection.
  • The song was written by Scott Weiland, the band's lead vocalist.
  • The line Take time with a wounded hand 'cause it likes to heal is a message of hope and resilience.
  • Creep by Stone Temple Pilots can be a sad song, but it's also powerful and uplifting.
  • And yes, you can definitely sing along to it!

So go ahead and belt out those lyrics, and remember that you're not alone in your struggles.