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Feel the Emptiness with Stone Temple Pilots' Lyrics - Big Empty

Lyrics Big Empty Stone Temple Pilots

Discover the haunting lyrics of Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots. This iconic 90s hit will give you all the feels.

Let's talk about one of the greatest songs ever written: Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots. I mean, what a tune! It's got everything you could possibly want from a 90s rock anthem: angsty lyrics, killer guitar riffs, and that unmistakable grunge sound. But what really sets this song apart is the way it captures the feeling of emptiness and isolation that so many of us can relate to. Whether you're going through a breakup, dealing with depression, or just feeling lost in the world, Big Empty speaks to that deep sense of longing we all have inside.

First of all, let's talk about those lyrics. They're simple, but they pack a punch. When Scott Weiland sings Time to take her home, her dizzy head is conscience-laden, you can practically feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. And then there's that chorus: Time to take the road less traveled by, time to take the pill that brings us down. It's like the band's telling us, Hey, life sucks sometimes, but we're all in this together.

But it's not just the words that make Big Empty such an iconic song. The music itself is a masterpiece. That opening riff? Pure magic. And the way the drums come crashing in, building up to that explosive chorus? Gives me goosebumps every time. Plus, the guitar solo towards the end is just pure shredding genius. You can tell these guys really knew how to rock.

Of course, it's not all doom and gloom. There's a certain humor to the song as well. I mean, just listen to some of those lyrics: She said 'I'm tired,' wetting my feet. What does that even mean? Who knows, but it's hilarious. And then there's that line about taking the pill that brings us down. I don't think they're talking about Advil, if you catch my drift.

But all joking aside, Big Empty is a song that speaks to something deeper in all of us. It's about feeling lost, feeling like you don't belong, and wondering if there's something more out there. And yet, despite all the pain and loneliness, there's still a sense of hope in this song. When Weiland sings, Time to take the road less traveled by, he's reminding us that we have the power to choose our own path in life. We may feel empty sometimes, but we're never truly alone.

So if you're feeling down, put on Big Empty and let it wash over you. Let those lyrics and that music remind you that you're not the only one who's ever felt lost or alone. And maybe, just maybe, you'll find the strength to take that road less traveled by, and find your way back to the light.

In conclusion, Big Empty is a song that stands the test of time. It's a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there's always a glimmer of hope. So turn up the volume, let the music fill your soul, and remember that you're never truly alone in this big empty world.

The Introduction

So, you're here to talk about Stone Temple Pilots' Big Empty lyrics? Well, let me tell you, they're a doozy. I mean, what even is this song about? It's like trying to decipher ancient hieroglyphics or something. But fear not, my friend, we're going to break down these lyrics and try to make sense of them together.

The Opening Lines

Let's start with the opening lines: Drivin' faster in my car / Falling farther from just what we are. Right off the bat, we're hit with some deep thoughts. What does it mean to be just what we are? Are we talking about the human condition here? And why is this person driving so fast? Maybe they're trying to escape their existential crisis?

The Chorus

Now, onto the chorus: Empty vessel under the sun / Wipe the dust from my face and shun / Faded vestige of what I was / A scattered smothered careless buzz. Okay, so this is where things really start to get weird. An empty vessel under the sun? That sounds like the beginning of a sci-fi novel. And what's with all the dust wiping and shunning? Is this person trying to reinvent themselves? And then we have the mysterious scattered smothered careless buzz. Is this a reference to Waffle House's hash browns? Or maybe the person is just really into obscure B-sides from '90s alternative bands?

The Second Verse

Moving on to the second verse: The day he was born, the nurses all gathered / 'Round. And they gazed in wide wonder, / At the joy they had found. The head nurse spoke up, said 'Leave this one alone.' / She could tell right away, / That I was bad to the bone. Wait, what? This verse has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the song. Is this some kind of weird non sequitur? Or maybe it's a reference to George Thorogood's Bad to the Bone? Either way, it's a bit jarring.

The Bridge

Time for the bridge: Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Oh, sorry, I got lost in that beautiful melody for a second. What were we talking about again?

The Third Verse

Back to business with the third verse: Nothin' here for me today. / Garbage in, garbage out. / Somewhere in between / What I find is pleasing and I'm feeling fine. Okay, this verse is actually kind of relatable. We all have those days where we feel like everything around us is garbage. But then we find something that makes us happy and suddenly everything is okay again. Maybe that's what this person is going through.

The Final Chorus

And now, the final chorus: Love gone bad, gone bad. / Come on home to me, come on home to me. / Back to where we started from. / Come on home to me, come on home to me. This is actually a pretty straightforward chorus compared to the rest of the song. It seems like the person is trying to reconcile with someone they've had a falling out with. Maybe they're realizing that they need that person in their life after all.

The Outro

Finally, we have the outro: Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhh... Wow, what a way to end a song. Those ahhhhs really drive home the point that we've been on a journey with this person. Or maybe they just couldn't think of any more lyrics and decided to end it on a high note.

The Conclusion

So, what did we learn from all of this? Honestly, not much. These lyrics are a big empty mess (see what I did there?). But sometimes, that's okay. Sometimes we just want to listen to a song and let the words wash over us without trying to analyze them too much. And if you're ever feeling lost or confused, just remember: Empty vessel under the sun / Wipe the dust from my face and shun / Faded vestige of what I was / A scattered smothered careless buzz.

Stone Temple Pilots: Masters of the Empty Verse

Where did all the words go? That seems to be the question on everyone's mind when they listen to Stone Temple Pilots. Known for their catchy tunes and Scott Weiland's unique voice, STP has also gained notoriety for their incredibly vague and nonsensical lyrics. But hey, who needs clarity and coherence when you have a good beat?

Lyrical Style

Let's face it, when in doubt, just repeat yeah. It's a tried and true method that STP employs with great success. Sure, some people may call it lazy, but we prefer to think of it as genius. After all, it's not easy to write lyrics that are so vague, you can interpret them however you want. It takes real skill to come up with lines like I am smellin' like a rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed (yes, that's an actual lyric).

Scott Weiland's secret to songwriting: a thesaurus and a Magic 8 Ball. The man was a master at finding synonyms for simple words and throwing them together in a jumble of confusion. And don't even get us started on the missing rhymes. We may never know what half the man I used to be really means, but damn if it doesn't sound good.

The Debate

Is it lazy or just genius? The debate over STP's lyrical style has been raging for years. Some argue that the band is simply trying to be poetic and metaphorical, while others believe they're just stringing together random words in the hopes that they'll sound cool. Whatever the case may be, there's no denying the fact that they've created some of the catchiest songs of the 90s.

Breaking news: Scott Weiland spotted at a poetry workshop. Okay, that's not actually true, but we can dream, can't we? Maybe one day he'll surprise us all with a collection of deep and meaningful poems that will make us rethink our entire existence. Or maybe he'll just keep on churning out lyrics that make no sense whatsoever.

Pretend You Know the Words

At the end of the day, does it really matter if we understand what STP is singing about? Just hum along and pretend you know the words. It's worked for us for decades. Besides, who needs deep and meaningful lyrics when you have lines like I'm half the man I used to be and Take time with a wounded hand, 'cause it likes to heal? It's all about the vibe, man.

In conclusion, Stone Temple Pilots may be masters of the empty verse, but they're also masters of the catchy chorus. So let's just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music. And if anyone asks what the lyrics mean, just tell them it's open to interpretation.

The Big Empty: A Story of Misheard Lyrics


Have you ever heard a song on the radio and thought, What on Earth are they singing about? Well, that's exactly what happened to me when I first heard Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots. I was driving down the highway, tapping my foot to the beat, when I realized I had no idea what the lyrics meant. So, like any curious person, I decided to look them up. What I found was both hilarious and embarrassing.

The Misheard Lyrics

As it turns out, I had been singing the wrong words for years. Instead of Time to take her home, her dizzy head is conscience laden, I had been belting out Time to take a hold of dizzy-headed consciousness lady. And that's just the beginning. Here are some of the other misheard lyrics I discovered:

  1. A big empty became A big ham sandwich
  2. She said, 'I want something else' became She said, 'I want some fancy elves'
  3. Turn your head now, baby, just spit me out became Turn your head now, baby, just split me up

Needless to say, I was mortified. How could I have been so off? But as I listened to the song again, I couldn't help but laugh. The actual lyrics made much more sense than my ridiculous interpretations.

The Actual Meaning

So, what do the lyrics of Big Empty actually mean? According to the band, the song is about feeling lost and disconnected from the world. Lead singer Scott Weiland wrote it while struggling with addiction and depression. The line Time to take her home, her dizzy head is conscience laden refers to a woman who is too drunk to take care of herself, while the chorus (Time to take the road to nowhere) represents the aimlessness Weiland felt in his own life.


So, there you have it. The story of my embarrassing misinterpretation of Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots. But hey, at least I got a good laugh out of it. And who knows, maybe my version of the lyrics will catch on and become a hit of its own. After all, who doesn't love a good ham sandwich?

Keywords Definition
Misheard Lyrics The incorrect interpretation of a song's lyrics
Stone Temple Pilots An American rock band formed in 1989
Humorous Voice and Tone The use of humor to convey a message or story
Addiction and Depression Mental health issues that can lead to substance abuse and other problems

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!

Well folks, we've come to the end of our journey through the lyrics of Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. But before we go our separate ways, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned.

First and foremost, we've learned that Scott Weiland was a master of the cryptic lyric. Seriously, what the heck does time to take her home, her dizzy head is conscience-laden even mean? I don't know, but it sounds cool.

We've also learned that Stone Temple Pilots were masters of creating a haunting atmosphere with their music. The slow, mournful guitar riff that opens Big Empty sets the mood perfectly for the melancholy lyrics that follow.

But perhaps the most important lesson we've learned is that sometimes, you just need to let your mind wander and get lost in the music. Whether you're driving down the highway or sitting alone in your room, there's something cathartic about losing yourself in a great song like Big Empty.

Of course, we can't forget the fact that Big Empty has been featured in some pretty iconic movies over the years. From The Crow to The Matrix, this song has cemented its place in pop culture history.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But wait, what about the fact that the song doesn't actually have a title? Well, my friends, I have a theory about that.

See, I think that Stone Temple Pilots intentionally left the song untitled as a way of emphasizing its enigmatic nature. By not giving it a specific name, they allowed listeners to interpret the lyrics and meaning in their own way.

Or, maybe they just couldn't think of a good name. Who knows?

But regardless of why the song remains untitled, there's no denying its power and impact on music lovers everywhere.

So, as we wrap up our exploration of Big Empty, I want to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It's been a blast, and I hope to see you back here soon for more musical musings.

Until then, keep rockin' and rollin', and never stop searching for that next great song to get lost in.

Peace out!

What Do People Also Ask About Lyrics for Big Empty by Stone Temple Pilots?

Is Big Empty about a breakup?

No, it's not about a breakup. In fact, the song was written for the soundtrack of the movie The Crow, which is about a man who comes back from the dead to avenge his own murder.

What do the lyrics of Big Empty mean?

Well, that's up for interpretation, but some people think it's about feeling empty or lost in life. Others think it's about addiction and struggling to find meaning without drugs or alcohol.

Why is the song called Big Empty?

Maybe because the lyrics talk about feeling empty or hollow inside. Or maybe because the sound of the music is so big and full, it contrasts with the emptiness of the lyrics. Who knows?

Did Stone Temple Pilots write any other songs for movie soundtracks?

Yes, they did! They wrote Lady Picture Show for the movie The Cable Guy and Settle Down for the movie Tank Girl. But neither of those songs were as big of a hit as Big Empty.

Can you sing the chorus of Big Empty?

  1. Time to take her home, her dizzy head is conscience laden
  2. Time to take a ride, it leaves today no conversation
  3. Time for meditation, time to peel the plaster off your face
  4. Radio on, I hear a song, it reminds me of swimming in the ocean

Sorry, I can't sing it for you, but I hope that helps!